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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Olympic Inspiration

I’ve been watching the Olympics all week and it reminded of this old riddle:

There are five birds sitting on a wire. 3 decide to fly off. How many are left?

Did you guess 2? Nope, the answer …

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Your Abundance Container

I love this exercise! I found it over the weekend as I was going through some of my journals from a few years back. I call it the Abundance Container Exercise.

I first did this visualization exercise about 5 years ago, and it really brought to light just how small I was playing.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Money is Meant to Move

I was working with a new client this week who recently retired as a teacher. She wants to build a business focused on Creative Writing classes and workshops.

Initially, she wanted to let people give her a donation if they choose to and not charge for her wisdom, brilliance, time, and energy. We talked more about it.

"Well, I don't really need the money so why does it matter?" she told me.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

I Will Not Be A Statistic!

“I will not be a statistic!”, I told myself as I was going through my divorce ‘journey’.

The stats are pretty grim and haven’t gotten much better in the past 20 years. Here are just a few:

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Multipliers & Diminishers

At the beginning of each week, I challenge the Money Mavens with a question which we then discuss in the Coaching Calls.

Last week’s question was about Diminishers versus Multipliers. It stems from my concept of “Are you an Owner or a Renter of Your Life?” Considering whether you are a Diminisher or Multiplier goes deeper and closer to your relationship with money.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

The Under-Earners Epiphany

On my power walk today, my walking buddy and I were going over strategy for a new position she was just offered. This will be a big change for her, one from being a traveling nurse to a permanent position which mean relocating. The offer that came back was on the lower end.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Is This You?

Do you feel like Rachel? No, not the one from Friends - although I do love Jennifer Aniston! Rachel is a woman in her 40s who started her own business two years ago. While she's passionate about her work, she's struggled to make a profit and is constantly worried about money.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

I Choose You!

People don't get in life what they "DO"... they get who they "Choose to Be."

You know that age-old question we're all asked as kids - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

My grandson, who is now in high school (OMG!) had the perfect answer when asked that at 6 years old.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Time to Raise Your Prices?

Is it time to adjust your prices? What's holding you back?

Guess what? You're the boss, Lady! You don't need anyone's permission - you have the power right now to raise your fees and prices, and as much as you want.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Money Blocks

Let's talk Money Blocks and how they muck up the flow of your River of Abundance.

There's a meditation/visualization exercise in the first module of the Master Your Money Course. I call it "Becoming One with Money." Everyone's experiences are so varied and different it's incredible to hear them!

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

What an Amazing Coaching Call!

Let's talk Money Blocks and how they muck up the flow of your River of Abundance.

There's a meditation/visualization exercise in the first module of the Master Your Money Course. I call it "Becoming One with Money." Everyone's experiences are so varied and different it's incredible to hear them!

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Soaring or Stuck

Once upon a time, two caterpillars caught sight of a butterfly fluttering above them. One of them turned to the other and remarked, "You'll never catch me up there in one of those."

Ever felt like that caterpillar? It's a familiar feeling - the pull between wanting to soar and the hesitation that holds us back.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Mastering the Art of Pricing

Let's dive into the wild world of pricing! It’s something I really love talking about because there are so many interesting aspects and angles to it.

When I started out pricing was a huge pain point, a true stumbling block for me.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

Stuck in Cement

When I was going through my separation and divorce, I remember this feeling of being stuck in cement. I couldn't go forward in my life, I couldn't go backwards either. It felt like there was nothing to do but wait. It was excruciating!

I now realize that it was my old way of thinking and Under Earner Trait #2 - Giving Away My Power.

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Janet Hutchens Janet Hutchens

The Law of Higher Earnings

Have you ever noticed how in gyms, guys lifting heavy weights always seem to ask for a 'Spot', usually from a random stranger? It's like an unspoken rule – the Law of Heavy Lifting.

The Law of Higher Earnings is no different, but have you ever seen women doing the same?

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