The Under-Earners Epiphany

“A woman who routinely negotiates her salary increases will earn
over $1 million more by retirement than one who doesn't.”

- Linda Babcock, Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and Gender Divide

On my power walk today, my walking buddy and I were going over strategy for a new position she was just offered. This will be a big change for her, one from being a traveling nurse to a permanent position which mean relocating.

The offer that came back was on the lower end.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with an under-earner now turned high-earner a few years ago. Brenda used to consistently find herself earning less than she should have. In each job, once she realized she was underpaid, she'd angrily just pack up and leave feeling undervalued and taken advantage of.

She eventually found her dream job and jumped at the first offer. It wasn’t long though until she discovered she was being paid less than a co-worker in the same role. This time was different, she didn’t want to leave and felt torn.

For weeks she struggled with what to do. Finally pushing through her fears of rejection and abandonment, she mustered the courage to ask for a raise.

Right off the bat her boss said, "Sure.”

She was stunned. It was a huge lightbulb moment for her. I call it the Under-Earners Epiphany - that moment when you realize you can actually change your situation - you have the power!

“If only I had realized how much power and courage I truly have, I wonder how different my life would be now? If only I had asked for what I wanted sooner.”

We all have more power and courage than we think - so much more!

You tap into your power and courage every time you…

  • Quiet your fears and speak your truth

  • Break away from the usual and strive for something special

  • Stop holding yourself back and start playing big

  • Tackle the things you fear rather than staying in the comfort zone

When you dare to claim your power in any area of your life, watch how your finances start to shift. Ahhh… the ripple effect!

And my walking buddy… she shifted her disappointment to determination, prepared to negotiate a solution that valued her.

Where do you need to step up and ask for more in your life?

To your success!


PS: Here are a few ways I can help you to start upgrading your worth:

- Take the Money Personality Quiz (free) to reveal your self-sabotage habits and money blocks.

- Join Us… the Money Mavens! In the Master Your Money Course and Community.

“Your life is not permanent. You are not stuck. You have choices.
You are allowed to grow and change.”


Multipliers & Diminishers


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