Money is Meant to Move

“Energy is the currency of the Universe. You get what you give.”


I was working with a new client this week who recently retired as a teacher. She wants to build a business focused on Creative Writing classes and workshops. 

Initially, she wanted to let people give her a donation if they choose to and not charge for her wisdom, brilliance, time, and energy. We talked more about it.

"Well, I don't really need the money so why does it matter?" she told me.

"It matters because money is meant to move.” I said. “Money is meant to flow, to travel, it is as an exchange of value. When someone pays you for your services, they are valuing you. When you refuse it, you are not only devaluing yourself, you are also devaluing them. That’s what the energy of money is all about.”

Receiving payment for your gifts, talents, wisdom, and brilliance is not being greedy or selfish, even though you may be financially solvent. It is allowing someone to appreciate and value you, which in turn builds your sense of worth, which you can then pay forward to value someone else. It’s beautiful flow, a beautiful exchange.

Some of you know that I don’t do bartering. That’s because someone always comes away feeling ‘short changed’. And more than that, I like to promote the physical positive energy of money flow. I like paying someone for their services and products. It makes me feel good to value them and show my appreciation for them with the gift of money.

As women, we are receivers and givers. So why does it seem harder for women to receive money? I think it comes down to a feeling of worth, which often is generational.

Mid-way through the Master Your Money Course, one of the Money Mavens revealed that she recently found $20,000 cash in her grandmothers freezer. Hard cold cash! Her grandmother had been stowing it away for years. It was in that moment that she realized that both she and her mother hid cash too. Wow! At first, she attributed it to needing to feel secure, but began to realize it was more out of fear and a sense of not being worthy of it. “Out of sight, out of mind.”

She also realized that if she just left in the drawer, it could never grow or benefit herself or someone else.

As women elevate into their worth and blend their feminine energy of sharing with the now masculine energy of money (power), the balance of worth and wealth will be restored to the Universe. I’m certain of it.

While all of the Money Personalities have traits around receiving and giving, Accumulators and Alchemists come to mind on this subject. Accumulators hold onto their money due to distrust of others, and Alchemists push money away because they feel there's an unfair balance of wealth in the world and therefore they shouldn't participate.

- Where do you fall in this?

- Have you pushed money away?

- Have your held onto it out of fear?

- Have you hidden it?

- Do you resist help from others?

- Do you resist help in other areas of your life?

Live Your Light!


PS: Ready to change the flow of money and abundance in your life? Here are a few tools to get you started.

- The Money Personality Quiz (FREE) will reveal your self-sabotage habits, money blocks, and your money strengths. Fun and Free! 8-10 minutes tops.

- Join Us… the Money Mavens! In the Master Your Money Course and Community.


Your Abundance Container


I Will Not Be A Statistic!