I Choose You!
“A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors.
Real gold never rusts.”
- Suzy Kassem
People don't get in life what they "DO"... they get who they "Choose to Be."
You know that age-old question we're all asked as kids - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
My grandson, who is now in high school (OMG!) had the perfect answer when asked that at 6 years old.
"I don't want to be just one thing. I want to be lots of things. I want to be a paleontologist, an artist, a soccer star, a chef." He went on and on.
"God bless him", I thought! "That kid will go far!"
One of the things I love about the Money Personality Quiz is that it zero's in on your innate self, your natural self - not a "job" or a "role".
And who you are is who you are - with all your glorious strengths and challenges.
As humans, we are not perfect because we are in a constant state of change and growth. All we can do is reach out for help when we need it and keep growing and learning.
If you're a Celebrity, like me, that amazing! Although that's not what I was told when I was young. I was told early on to keep my natural Celebrity-ness at a low key. "Don't be too showy, don't talk too much, keep a low profile." So I stayed small for way too many years! It never felt authentic though.
It wasn't really until I took the Money Personality Quiz that I finally understood it was OK for me to be my Celebrity-self and even better for me to embrace and "Choose" to be me! To be authentic me!
Are you defining yourself and your worth on what you do?
Is your value based on your income and bank balance?
Have you been playing a role to satisfy someone else?
Are you curious about natural strengths and challenges?
What do you think you really may be? A Connector, a Maverick, a Romantic? Whatever you are don't ever, ever change - keep being you! Just become aware of those sticky challenge spots we all have and leverage them for your growth. (SECRET: You'ee in fact a combination of all of them - just some more than others.)
Check out the Free Money Personality Quiz (8 minutes tops), then email me for a complimentary 30-minute Assessment of your Money Personality - janet@hutchensmedia.com
Live Your Light Girl! I Choose You - Who you Truly Are!
- Janet
If you're ready to upgrade your money mindset, here are more ways I can help.
- Come work with me directly and join our Weekly Coaching Calls. In the Master Your Money Course & Community we unearth your money blocks together, in the course and the calls. It's an awesome Community of like-minded women! The Money Mavens!!
“Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.”
-Margaret Thatcher