I Choose You!

“A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors.
Real gold never rusts.”

- Suzy Kassem

People don't get in life what they "DO"... they get who they "Choose to Be."

You know that age-old question we're all asked as kids - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

My grandson, who is now in high school (OMG!) had the perfect answer when asked that at 6 years old.

"I don't want to be just one thing. I want to be lots of things. I want to be a paleontologist, an artist, a soccer star, a chef." He went on and on.

"God bless him", I thought! "That kid will go far!"

One of the things I love about the Money Personality Quiz is that it zero's in on your innate self, your natural self - not a "job" or a "role".

And who you are is who you are - with all your glorious strengths and challenges.

As humans, we are not perfect because we are in a constant state of change and growth. All we can do is reach out for help when we need it and keep growing and learning.

If you're a Celebrity, like me, that amazing! Although that's not what I was told when I was young. I was told early on to keep my natural Celebrity-ness at a low key. "Don't be too showy, don't talk too much, keep a low profile."  So I stayed small for way too many years! It never felt authentic though.

It wasn't really until I took the Money Personality Quiz that I finally understood it was OK for me to be my Celebrity-self and even better for me to embrace and "Choose" to be me! To be authentic me!

  • Are you defining yourself and your worth on what you do?

  • Is your value based on your income and bank balance?

  • Have you been playing a role to satisfy someone else?

  • Are you curious about natural strengths and challenges?

What do you think you really may be? A Connector, a Maverick, a Romantic? Whatever you are don't ever, ever change - keep being you! Just become aware of those sticky challenge spots we all have and leverage them for your growth. (SECRET: You'ee in fact a combination of all of them - just some more than others.)

Check out the Free Money Personality Quiz (8 minutes tops), then email me for a complimentary 30-minute Assessment of your Money Personality - janet@hutchensmedia.com

Live Your Light Girl! I Choose You - Who you Truly Are!

- Janet

If you're ready to upgrade your money mindset, here are more ways I can help.

- Come work with me directly and join our Weekly Coaching Calls. In the Master Your Money Course & Community we unearth your money blocks together, in the course and the calls. It's an awesome Community of like-minded women! The Money Mavens!!

“Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.”

-Margaret Thatcher


Is This You?


The Purpose of Now