Stuck in Cement

"We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

-Joseph Campbell

When I was going through my separation and divorce, I remember this feeling of being stuck in cement. I couldn't go forward in my life, I couldn't go backwards either. It felt like there was nothing to do but wait. It was excruciating!

I now realize that it was my old way of thinking and Under Earner Trait #2 - Giving Away My Power.

I was waiting for my husband to decide this or that, I was waiting for my attorney to do this or that, I was waiting for the courts to decree this or that. By waiting for them, I was giving away all my power and my ability to move forward in my life. I had put all of my financial future in their hands and they were moving "at a glacial pace" because it benefited them, and more so, I was allowing them to.

I heard Oprah ask me that question again, "When are you going to take responsibility for your own life?"

Ahhh... Ownership. That's right. This is my life and I am the owner of my life. Thanks Oprah!

That's when I decided it was time to take my little Mom-At-Home side business to infinity and beyond. In under 3 years, it was a mid six-figure business with 5 employees giving me the financial independence and freedom I had been seeking. Taking responsibility and ownership of my life paid off - big time. Waiting for them, never did.

What (or who) are you waiting for?

Best, Janet

PS: Ready to step forward? Learn more about the Master Your Money Course.


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