Time to Raise Your Prices?

“I said "Somebody should do something about that."
Then I realized I am somebody.”

-Lily Tomlin

Is it time to adjust your prices? What's holding you back?

Guess what? You're the boss, Lady! You don't need anyone's permission - you have the power right now to raise your fees and prices, and as much as you want.

If you're feeling a bit queasy at the thought of it, don't worry; there are some pretty obvious signs that can help you decide if now's the time.

Ask Yourself...

  • Are you booked solid, overflowing with work, or facing a never-ending waiting list?

  • Do you keep getting clients who want everything ASAP but aren't paying enough for your time and effort? (AKA: the 80/20 rule)

  • Are there some clients who, frankly, are just more trouble than they're worth at your current rates? (AKA: PITA's)

  • And Hey... are you knocking it out of the park with your results, leaving clients raving about how you've changed their lives?

If you answered "Yes" to three or more of these, it's probably high time to up those prices!

Guess what? You are the Boss! No one is going to come along and tell you it's okay. YOU have to take that step yourself and decide that you're worth it. Now is the perfect time!

Just a little shift in your money mindset and a tweak to your pricing could make a world of difference to your income and your business. It could be the game-changer that gets rid of the pesky 80/20 clients and has you working with those who truly value your work and worth.

So, what do you say? Ready to start charging what you're really worth?

To your success!

- Janet

P.S.  Are you ready to upgrade your money mindset? Here are four ways I can help.

1) Reply to this email and let me know how your price increase goes.

2) Take the Free Money Personality Quiz (8 minutes tops) - Free Money Quiz
Then email me (janet@hutchensmedia.com) for a Free 30-Minute Assessment of your Money Personality.

3) Come work with me directly. Join our Master Your Money Course & Community and we'll really delve into your money blocks together, both in the course itself and during our Weekly Coaching Calls.


The Purpose of Now


Money Blocks