Money Blocks
“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort.
You cannot have both.”
-Brene Brown
Let's talk Money Blocks and how they muck up the flow of your River of Abundance.
There's a meditation/visualization exercise in the first module of the Master Your Money Course. I call it "Becoming One with Money." Everyone's experiences are so varied and different it's incredible to hear them!
One of my students experienced being gold bullion. Another, while expecting money to feel cold, experienced being on fire yet in a warm, comfortable and powerful way.
A recent student experienced money as a warm flow, much like water, flowing all around her. It was serene and peaceful for her. However, later in the course, she had a major epiphany in which she realized that she was the block/boulder in her river of abundance. Money flowed around her but never to her or through her.
Do you find money flowing easily into your life, or do you sense that there's something obstructing its flow? It is elusive? Do you see it coming and going but never sticking?
What exactly is a money block?
Simply put, it's a block, a boulder, in your River of Abundance. It's a limit you have placed on yourself, often unconsciously, to hinder your financial success.
It's a fear that holds you back from achieving your desired level of financial prosperity. Like that creepy sea monster, it lurks beneath the surface, subtly undermining your efforts.
Do any of these self-talk phrases sound familiar?
"I'm destined to be financially mediocre." (Sometimes this manifests as, "My family wasn't affluent, so I can't be either.")
"Earning money must involve immense struggle."
"It's morally wrong to accumulate wealth while others suffer."
"My priority is to assist others; money isn't important."
"Wealthy individuals are inherently selfish."
"If I become wealthy, people will perceive me differently."
"My partner/parents/friends will react negatively if I out-earn them."
"Happiness outweighs financial success."
So many women entrepreneurs convince themselves that the reason they aren't as successful as they'd like to be is because they lack business acumen, or don't have resources, or the education, or even Mercury going retrograde. Hogwash!
While external factors may influence earnings they don't dictate them.
Identifying, acknowledging, and developing strategies to overcome your money blocks is the only path towards sustainable financial freedom.
Money blocks affect entrepreneurs of all income levels, including myself, despite teaching these concepts. The difference is what used to trip me up and spin me into financial chaos, I can now recognize and correct in a matter of seconds.
The recent student I mentioned at the beginning... she now experiences money flowing to and through her rather than around her. She has become one with money.
How do you feel about money? Do you feel one with it? Let me know by responding to the email.
Best, Janet
Ready to explore your Money Blocks? Take the Money Quiz and email me ( for a Free Assessment of your Money Personality.