What an Amazing Coaching Call!

"It's not about the money. It's about what the money says to you.
And the money says you're worth it."

-Janet Hutchens

OMG! I had the most amazing Coaching Call today!

We started out, as we always do, sharing Money Wins from the week. Every win is a touchdown, no matter how big or small we think of it!

The common theme that appeared was Follow-ups.

From there we explored the fears behind following up - with a client, a money situation, or anything that feels uncomfortable.

"Which of the four fears do you resonate mostly with?", I asked

The fear of being abandoned, the fear of failure/success, the fear of being fundamentally flawed, or the fear of out-shining?

As we dove into that, the realization that we self-fulfill our deepest fears magically appeared.

"My deepest fear is the fear of abandonment," I shared.

"My first boyfriend cheated on me, my husband cheated on me, my next significant relationship cheated on me. They all abandoned me. But it was my self-fulfilling prophesy. I chose those relationships because they were familiar and I knew they would abandon me."

"And to go even further, the relationships I had with good men who I knew would never cheat on me, I abandoned them. I never cheated on them but I always ended it quickly."

"My relationship with money was the same. I would get it and then get rid of it as quickly as I could. I would abandon it although I thought it was being elusive or abandoning me."

"We self-fulfill our deepest fears because they are familiar and, in a strange and twisted way, we can count on them."

"Money is a relationship." 

When I said that, one woman gasped!

"Oh my god, I have pins and needles. I've heard you say that before but something just clicked this time. Wow!"

"I completely get it now. And I can see how I self-fulfill my fear of failure with money and everything other relationship and aspect of my life. Wow!"

Then I got shivers when she said that! It's so incredible when those breakthrough moments happen. The ripple effect is real - the energy of one person's epiphany vibrates through all of us. That's the core power of community.

Would you like to join us? The Master Your Money Course discounts are ending today. Check out the options.

I'd love to welcome you into our community of amazing Money Mavens.

Best, Janet

PS: Have any questions at all. Respond to this email or email me - janet@hutchensmedia.com


Money Blocks


Soaring or Stuck