Is This You?

“Women have always been the strong ones of the world.

- Coco Chanel

Do you feel like Rachel? No, not the one from Friends - although I do love Jennifer Aniston! Rachel is a woman in her 40s who started her own business two years ago. While she's passionate about her work, she's struggled to make a profit and is constantly worried about money.

OR maybe you feel more like Emma... Emma is an accomplished woman in her 50s who has built a successful business. However, she feels unfulfilled and believes she's not earning what she deserves given the time and energy she invests.

OR is it Sarah you resonate with... Sarah is in her mid-30s and has spent a decade in the corporate world. She has a great business idea and is eager to become her own boss, but she struggles with a money mindset that keeps her from taking the leap. She fears failure and the financial instability it could bring.

How about Sophia? Is that you? Sophia is a thriving entrepreneur in her early 40s. Her business is growing and she's ready to take it to the next level, but she's hesitant about making large financial investments. Sophia needs to cultivate a money mindset that views these investments as necessary steps for growth and expansion.

What do they all have in common?

They all suffer from at least these four Under-Earner Traits:

  • Underestimate their Worth

  • Live In Financial Chaos

  • Are Self-Saboteurs

  • Controlled by Fear

But wait! There's really good news!!  Since they created their situation (and yes, they did) they can change it!

Here are some key changes Rachel made in areas of her Personal life and Business life:

Financial Success: Rachel no longer struggles to make ends meet. She has a thriving business that consistently generates a healthy profit. She has the financial security she's always dreamed of and no longer worries about money.

Confidence Boost: Rachel became a confident business owner who believes in her ability to succeed. She no longer questions her worth or her business's value. Instead, she knows that she's providing a valuable service and that she deserves to be compensated accordingly.

Work-Life Balance: Rachel learned how to work smarter, not harder. She became more efficient and finally has time for the things she loves outside of work. She has better balance between her career and personal life.

Growth Mindset: Rachel developed a growth mindset. She understands that there's always room for improvement and is open to learning and growing. She's more resilient in the face of challenges and sees them as opportunities to learn rather than as setbacks.

Increased Network: As Rachel's business grows, she's become more confident, attracting more clients and expanding her network. She has the opportunity to collaborate with other successful entrepreneurs, which further enhances her business and personal growth.

Which woman do you resonate with?  Which Under-Earner trait hits home?  Respond to this email and let me know.

To your success!


PS: Your Money Personality holds valuable clues - Learn More


The Under-Earners Epiphany


I Choose You!