Master Your Money


Financial Freedom looks good on you ;)

Imagine if making money was a breeze.

  • You wake up, and people are just buying your stuff.

  • Your inbox is full of emails saying you've got another happy customer.

  • Your calendar is booked solid with new leads.

  • Your business is growing joyfully and effortlessly.

How great would that be?

But that's not how it usually goes, right?

Between coming up with an idea and seeing money in your bank account, there's a roller coaster of emotions—fear, anxiety, and a lot of second-guessing.

You sit there, staring at the zeros in your bank account, wondering how you'll keep going.

You're working late again, feeling resentful and exhausted from over-delivering.

Right now, you're probably frustrated and unsure of what to do next.

Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship!

It's fun and offers an amazing chance for personal growth.

But it's also scary.

And that fear can be paralyzing.

Here's a little secret I want to share with you...


Every successful person on the planet still doubts themselves. I’ve earned over $6 million in my business in the past 10 years and still doubt myself.

It's natural to think you're the issue - not good enough, not smart enough, not clever enough.

Ughh… all those Shame Gremlins!

You might think you just need a new website, or to post more on social, or a new flashy strategy, or just a quick loan to get you over the hump.

Those things will never fix it. You’ll still struggle. I know! Been there - done that!

Working harder is never the answer.

Lasting transformation starts with YOU!

"Master Your Money transformed my business!

I learned as an Accumulator, I struggled with trust and therefore had difficulty delegating.

Now that I've worked through that fear, I have a staff of 4 amazing women, the work keeps rolling in, and I'm finally free from constant money worries."

Sarah - Event Coordinator/ Caterer

There are 2 Essential Elements

For a WOMAN to

ACHIEVE Financial Health & WEALTH

Mindset & Mechanics

Most money programs focus
on one or the other.

Here… You Will MASTER BOTH!

Master Your Money© is not just another Mindset or Law of Attraction course. It’s a solid merger of Mindset & Mechanics.

You simply can’t have one without the other. That’s where most money programs fail.

Master Your Money© is practical and grounded in reality. The numbers speak for themselves.



Why it Matters?

You and your MIND have a RELATIONSHIP with MONEY!

Just like you do with your parents, your friends, your family, your clients, everyone.

  • It’s very personal to you.

  • You have emotions wrapped up in it.

  • I know… It’s complicated!

The thing is… It’s never really about the money.

We don’t struggle financially because we don’t have enough money.

We struggle because we don’t know how To Do Money”.

It’s really about your relationship with money.

What’s Your Relationship with Money?

The clues are in your DNA… in your Money Personality.

Let’s Crack the Code!



Why they Matter?

Money Mechanics are where the Rubber meets the Road and you Gain Traction.

Where you see tangible money Progress and Growth.

  • You LEVERAGE your MINDSET and Money Personality

  • DEVELOP a SKILLSET (Financial Know-How),

  • DESIGN an ACTION SET by creating a Roadmap to get you where you want to go.

Let’s Get You on the Road to Financial Freedom!

Hi, I'm Janet Hutchens

I know what it feels like to experience challenges and frustration around your relationship with money.

I suddenly found myself divorced and raising four little kids with no steady income. I had been the stay-at-home executive wife throughout my 18 year marriage and had to get real - real fast!

So I built a mid six-figure business in only 3 years. Great - right?

Problem was money was going out faster than it was coming in. I just couldn’t get it to stick to me. And I had no idea why.

It took almost losing my house to foreclosure, my only real asset, for me to take a hard look at ME!

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And they did, magically, in all forms - new acquaintances, workshops, even a mysterious book in the mail! I devoured everything I could on money mindset, money blocks, self-sabotage, everything!

That’s when my life, my business, and my bottom line changed for the better forever!

All because my sense of worth and value changed.

I figured it out for ME and YOU!

“Believe in your wisdom to elevate your worth,
and watch your wealth will rise.”

-Janet Hutchens

As an self-made business women and entrepreneur, I know the stresses of business, family, and life, how they can derail you and keep you playing small.

You’re worth more! You’re worthy of playing BIG!

I can help you to normalize wealth and identify the triggers, fears, and self-sabotaging that is holding you back.

I’ve helped women just like you completely change their relationship with money and watch their business and lives flourish.

When women rally around changing their relationship with money, collectively we can use money as a tool for positive and lasting change in the world.

Let’s start changing things today!

"As a Celebrity/Alchemist, I quickly mapped out a path to prosperity that honors my natural gifts and helps me connect with the more challenging parts in a healthy and supportive way.

The clarity in the course and Coaching Calls that I received has opened up huge doors of possibility and opportunity."

Adrienne - Interior Designer

Here’s everything you get when you Join Master Your Money

Module One: Discovering

Module Two: Decisions

Module Three: Doing


Live Weekly Coaching Calls with Janet

Connect with me EVERY week for themed group coaching and Q&A sessions.

You get access to live monthly calls with me and our community ALL YEAR, to break through new money blocks as they come up and make progress towards your next income goal.

Each week I pose a Question of the Week to the group. We share and celebrate our Money Wins (and others), discuss the QOW, and crowd source solutions for each other.

I'll help you work through your money blocks in real time so you can keep growing. 

Plus I host two calls at different times so there's a slot that works for your time zone no matter where you are in the world. 

You'll get mentoring from me as you embrace these life-changing concepts — AND the support of a vibrant community of women entrepreneurs who are immersing themselves in the content alongside you.

And… these New 6 Bonus Courses

- Money Magic -
Finding Money in Plain Sight

- Scripts for Success -
Negotiation Scripts for Women

- Self-Employed Salary Plan -
How To Pay Yourself with a Fluctuating Income

- Investing 101 -
The Basics & How To Begin

- Cutting the Card -
Conquer & Eliminate Credit Card Debt

- Manifestations & Mantras -
A Library of Mindfulness and Abundance

(available in October)

You Also Get…

Access to our Private FB Community - The Money Mavens!
to share ideas, inspiration, struggles, and wins with a super supportive community of like-minded women.

Unlimited Lifetime Access to the Course

24/7 Email Support

14 Day No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee

Join Master Your Money© Today!

Get instant access to this revolutionary program and it’s inspiring community!

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today.



One Payment


1 Hour Private Business & Money Consult with Janet
$500.00 FREE

6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)



4X Monthly Payments


6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)

What’s your Dream Life Worth to you?

Imagine this...

  • You've just doubled your income while working half the hours.

  • You've had your best month ever, breaking through that persistent plateau.

  • You've signed the contracts on your dream house.

  • You've freed yourself from ever having to work weekends again.

  • You've bought tickets for a once-in-a-lifetime holiday for you and your family.

How incredible would that feel?

What's the value of financial freedom?

Master Your Money© will guide you step-by-step to create a significant shift in your mindset and income.

You'll receive support and mentoring to overcome any self-doubt, uncertainty, and fear.

It's a win-win – invest in yourself now and start upgrading to your ideal life.

"Master Your Money transformed my business!

I learned I struggled with trust and therefore had difficulty delegating.

Now that I've worked through that fear, I have a staff of 4 amazing women, the work keeps rolling in, and I'm finally free from constant money worries."

Sarah - Event Coordinator/ Caterer

The Most Common Money Blocks are…

  • "I have to work hard to make money."

  • "I’m just not meant to be rich." (Or maybe, "My family wasn’t rich, so I can’t be either.")

  • "I just want to help people. I don’t care about the money."

  • "My partner/parents/friends will freak out if I earn more than them."

  • "I can’t earn more than X, I can’t charge more than Y in my industry."

Which ones sound familiar?

Remember, it’s never about the money.

Girl, there’s a lot of money sloshing around the world!

It’s about you and your money blocks.


Money blocks are limiting beliefs. They’re just part of life and being in business. Even millionaires have occasional freak outs about money.

As you grow, you’ll hit your own self-imposed limits regularly. I sure as heck did, and still do!

They likely started in your childhood and have shaped the stories you now tell yourself about what you deserve, what you’re worth, and how to achieve success.

For every limiting belief, there’s an origin story to uncover and a pattern to break so you can feel more empowered and in control with money and every aspect of your life.

What happens when you upgrade your money mindset?

Without money blocks in your life, you’ll be empowered and confident to make money, change lives, and build your legacy.

Without money stress, you’ll be free to be the creative, inspirational abundant soul you are.

Abundance means many things to many people yet it always means a sense of freedom and lightness.

Breaking through your money blocks and upgrading your money mindset to welcome more abundance into your life is exactly what we'll teach you.

"I was having trouble taking the action steps to make money in my business. 

I felt unclear as to why it was so hard for me to create the content and materials.

I learned that I am a Celebrity-Maverick. Now I know why I love the visibility portion and the big vision of my business. I love the risks and the big steps, but can’t stand the little steps in between. I just want to be there already!  The clarity that I came away with is priceless!"

Erika - Graphic Designer

Join Master Your Money© Today!

Get instant access to this revolutionary program and it’s inspiring community!

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today.



One Payment


1 Hour Private Business & Money Consult with Janet
$500.00 FREE

6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)



4X Monthly Payments


6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Your success is very important to me!

I am so confident that you'll love this course and that it will transform your life. However, if you have any doubts, rest assured that I offer an iron-clad guarantee to make this a completely 100% risk-free investment.

If, after two weeks in the Master Your Money® program and our community, you decide it's not for you, simply let me know and I'll refund 100% of your tuition—no questions asked, no hard feelings, just my best wishes.

That's how confident I am in the quality of this program!

I want you to feel fantastic about investing in yourself and your future. So if you try it and it's not for you, you have nothing to lose.

Join now and feel confident in your decision with my 14-day guarantee!

Frequently Asked Questions

Feeling scared, nervous, or skeptical? That's completely normal. It's only natural to want all the details before diving in, and I'm here to answer any questions you have.

If you're feeling called to work on your money mindset and want my support, I'm confident I can help.

This is YOUR TIME to break free from money fears and blocks, boost your income with ease, and connect with amazing people.

Check out the FAQs below, and if you still have questions, just CLICK HERE to message me. Let's get you sorted!

  • Every Money Personality has money-making gifts and their own unique path to wealth.
    When you learn to leverage your strengths and do business in line with your personality, making more money will feel easier and more fun.

    Plus, when you work with the natural aspects of your Money Personality, you’ll also overcome the challenges and sabotages that have been holding you back, so your business can move to the next level.

    You don’t need to change who you are and you don’t need to continue to struggle or feel frustrated and alone.
    I designed this course to focus on helping you to make more money.

    As a Virgo,one of my strengths is the ability to give clear, practical and actionable advice that will help you. I won't waste your time in this course. I lay out a very clear path for you to follow.

    I have helped countless women people earn more and tweak their businesses for more abundance, ease, and joy in their life.

  • You have lifetime access to the course so you can learn at your own pace. By joining now you're securing the best deal and jumping in before the price increases. So I highly recommend acting now.

    Each lesson is no longer than 25 minutes and the homework is included in that time. We do the homework right in that 25 minutes. I recommend booking out 30 minutes a day to work on the course modules, but there is no compulsory schedule or risk of falling behind

  • The course is designed to support you whoever you are – wherever you are - just starting out or making millions. We have members at every level and I've learned that there’s always money mindset work to be done. It’s great to get started on your journey to entrepreneurship with a healthy relationship to money and a strong money mindset, though.

  • The Master Your Money courses is not industry-specific. It’s about creating a healthy relationship with money, more abundance and more balance in your life.

    Some of the industries that have found great success include:

    • Business & Performance Coaches and Consultants

    • Accountants

    • Marketing & Advertising Strategists

    • Health & Wellness Professionals

    • Energy Healers, Spiritual Mentors

    • Yoga teachers

    • Life Coaches

    • Musicians, Entertainers, Authors Fine Artists,
      Photographers & Other Creatives

    • Web Designers, Graphic Designers

    • Social Media & Branding Experts

    • Course Creators, Content Creators, Influencers

    Simply and without ego, my course works. We care about you and want you to succeed.

    If you want to learn practical money mindset and business strategies to change your relationship with money so you can earn more, the Master Your Money Course is for you.

    Join Today!

  • Yes, the Master Your Money Course will support you whatever level you’re at, whether you’ve a kernel of a dream of a fully established business. If you want to create more wealth and abundance in your daily life then this is for you!

  • Absolutely! There are always upper limit issues and income plateaus that have a nasty habit of cropping up - the glass ceiling is real especially in the entrepreneurial world. When these hurdles inevitably hit, having the right tools in place is essential to breaking through quickly to your next level of success.

    In fact, upgrading your money mindset is the FASTEST way to go to the next level in your business. Better yet, unlike some business strategies that can take months – or even years – to pay off, when you upgrade your beliefs around money, you’ll start seeing results immediately.

  • There’s built-in accountability with the weekly coaching calls and our community to support you. There are regular emails and accountability posts to help you stay motivated and keep building momentum. You can ask questions and get support from the community and email me anytime.

  • Each week there are two calls on Zoom. You can attend one or both. There are usually enough people on each call to create a real buzz and excitement, and also keep you motivated but not so many that you feel lost. In answer to your question, the perfect amount!

  • No worries. You're not alone. Not everyone can make all of the calls. Plus, the calls are recorded, and the replays are available in the membership area within 24 hours.

  • Rather than viewing this as an expense that doesn’t offer anything in return, the Master Your Money Course is an investment in your financial future with practical money-making business advice.

    It’s hard to place a value on creating a brand-new money story for yourself, because money affects EVERY area of your life!

    The Full Course with Weekly Coaching is $997 right now, that will increasing next week.
    You can also pay that in 3 installments of $399.

    Join Today!

  • I’m pretty sure you’ll love it, but if not - no worries at all, because I have 14-Day guarantee that makes this a 100% no risk investment. You can join the Master Your Money Course today and try it out days, then if you decide that it’s not for you, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your tuition – no questions asked, no hard feelings, nothing but well wishes. 

    That’s how confident I am in the quality of this course, our calls and community! I want you to feel so crazy good about making this investment in yourself and your future.

    So if you try it out and it isn’t for you, then nothing lost. Join now and feel confident in your decision with my 14-Day 100% Refund Guarantee.

  • I get it. Cash flow can be tough. However there are always solutions and some in plain sight.

    There are 2 options to choose from:

    • Invest in the full course - $997

    • Use the 3 installments of $399

    I will tell you however, the Coaching Calls are super, super valuable, so I know you would find the Full Course worth the investment.

    Don't wait another year to get started because these prices will be increasing soon. You can make so much progress in the next few months. You can earn while you learn.

    I am here to support you towards shifting your money blocks and bringing in greater wealth and success in all areas of your life.

  • Some people think that you have to have your money stuff all sorted out or be at a certain level before you join. Sort of like needing to clean the house before the cleaning lady comes or organizing your taxes before handing them to your bookkeeper.

    This is a perfectionist block, a limiting belief that's keeping you stuck.

    Bring your money blocks to MYM and we’ll work on them systematically together. There’s nothing like the accountability of an aligned mastermind.

    Some people think they have to figure this stuff out for themselves or that they’ll just start with a book and try and go it alone.

    You don’t need to do it alone and honestly, you’re already ready. We want to hear your stories and blocks - bring me your money mess and sabotages.

    There’s not much I haven’t heard before from all different backgrounds, industries and countries.

    This is the work and we do it together. When we heal it for one, we heal it for all of us and we keep learning.

    So if you’re feeling frustrated at your current income, anxious about money and you’re looking to grow then now the perfect time to join.

    There’s really no point putting it off because as soon as you’re in you’ll start noticing shifts and making changes.

  • Whether you want to turn your side-hustle into your main income, escape your 9-5, launch something new or have a record year in your business, Master Your Money will help you make it happen.

    Doing this work IS worth it.

    Join Today!

I know that this path can feel lonely.

It sure did for me!

  • Maybe you’re the black sheep in your family? 

  • Maybe you’re the only person creating success in your circle of friends. 

  • Or maybe you want some like-minded change-makers to network and mastermind with? 

Whatever is true for you, you found the right place. 

The Master Your Money© community is super powerful and you can become part of it. 

It’s time to earn what you deserve and to have the wealth and freedom to help others, build your business and change the world.

  • You are smart enough. 

  • You are ambitious enough. 

  • You are enough. 

  • Heck, you’re more than enough!


And you can have financial security and more freedom. 

For so long, I felt like there was no one to talk to about the unique business challenges and struggles a woman faces, let alone money!

You don’t have to work through your money stuff alone anymore.

Let’s go on this amazing journey together. 

With me as your money mindset mentor and business coach, and our beautiful community…

Now is the time to truly Live Your Light!

Here’s a recap of everything you get when you Join Master Your Money©

#1) 8 Week Course
Three modules of powerful training lessons and strategies

to help you create your conscious money compass, empower your money voice, breakthrough your money boundaries, and conquer money mechanic strategies around saving and investing.

Pdf's worksheets and tools to download each week.

  • Module 1 - Discovering (Mindset) - 8 Lessons

  • Module 2 - Decisions (Mindset & Mechanics) - 7 Lessons

  • Module 3 - Doing (Mechanics) - 9 Lessons

#2) Weekly One-Hour Group Coaching Calls
to answer your questions and keep you on track to your money breakthroughs.

#3) Access to all 8 Money Personality Profiles
Pdf Downloads listing traits, strengths, challenges, power words, mantras, and insights of all 8 Money Personalities.

#4) Visualizations, Exercises, and Worksheets
to review and track your progress as your transform your money story and relationship with money. Plus financial money practices and strategies.

#5) Invitation & Access to our Private FB Community
to share ideas, inspiration, struggles, and wins with a super supportive community of like-minded women.

#6) Unlimited Lifetime Access to the Course

#7) 24/7 Email Support

#8) 14 Day No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee

And… these New 6 Bonus Courses

- Money Magic -
Finding Money in Plain Sight

- Scripts for Success -
Negotiation Scripts for Women

- Self-Employed Salary Plan -
How To Pay Yourself with a Fluctuating Income

- Investing 101 -
The Basics & How To Begin

- Cutting the Card -
Conquer & Eliminate Credit Card Debt

- Manifestations & Mantras -
A Library of Mindfulness and Abundance

(available in October)

You Also Get…

Access to our Private FB Community - The Money Mavens!
to share ideas, inspiration, struggles, and wins with a super supportive community of like-minded women.

Unlimited Lifetime Access to the Course

24/7 Email Support

14 Day No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee

Connect with me EVERY week for Themed Group Coaching and Q&A sessions.

You get access to live monthly calls with me and our community ALL YEAR, to break through new money blocks as they come up and make progress towards your next income goal.

Each week I pose a Question of the Week to the group. We share and celebrate our Money Wins (and others), discuss the QOW, and crowd source solutions for each other.

I'll help you work through your money blocks in real time so you can keep growing. 

Plus I host two calls at different times so there's a slot that works for your time zone no matter where you are in the world. 

You'll get mentoring from me as you embrace these life-changing concepts — AND the support of a vibrant community of women entrepreneurs who are immersing themselves in the content alongside you.


Live Weekly Coaching Calls with Janet

Join Master Your Money© Today!

Get instant access to this revolutionary program and it’s inspiring community!

Choose the plan that’s right for you and join us today.



One Payment


1 Hour Private Business & Money Consult with Janet
$500.00 FREE

6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)



4X Monthly Payments


6 Bonus Courses

$2500.00 FREE

(Released October 2024)

"My biggest challenge with money was asking for business.
I was not following up with hot leads and collaborations and I was leaving a lot of money on the table.

I learned that I am an Accumulator and a Connector. I realized that I was avoiding connecting with others because I did not feel good enough. This belief has been driving my life for years and keeping me very small. I had a major breakthrough around this issue. It was painful but powerful.

Thank you Janet for helping me push through my money blocks and fears. I know view money as a tool not something to fear or I’m unworthy of.”

Sonya - Life Coach