Mastering the Art of Pricing

"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."

Let's dive into the wild world of pricing! It’s something I really love talking about because there are so many interesting aspects and angles to it.

When I started out pricing was a huge pain point, a true stumbling block for me. It's something we talk a lot about in the Master Your Money course and in the Coaching Calls. Just last week, I helped a student overcome her pricing fear and we drafted up the "price increase" email to her clients. Guess what? She sent out the email a few days later and every single one of her clients responded with "Thanks for letting me know." No push back from a single one of them! Win-Win!

What I know for sure about pricing is that... Nothing is Cast in Stone. You can change your pricing anytime of the day or night and you can even change it for different clients.

Another thing I know for sure is that pricing is like kids, pets, and hot tubs - You need to feed and clean it regularly.

A price that feels big and scarcy at the start may feel normal or too small down the road. That’s why it's essential to continue to review your pricing so it feels like a win-win and a good energetic match for you and your customers.

The biggest mindset hurdles I see women face around pricing are:

  • It’s okay to talk about money

  • It's okay to charge what you're worth and actually receive it

  • It’s okay for people to save up to buy from you

  • It’s okay for you to make a profit (including your time)

  • It’s totally okay for you to make money

  • The price is just the price. It’s not a reflection of your 'self worth' which is different than the worth of your talents and gifts.

If you've been putting off looking at your prices that is a signal that now is the perfect time to make a pricing adjustment. It can be a small one to begin with.

Here's a little exercise to get you started:
- Think of your new number.
- Then stretch just a bit into a slightly higher number. I guarantee it won’t feel scary for long.
- It should feel a little uncomfortable. Remember, being uncomfortable means things are changing.
- Congratulations, you just stepped a little outside your comfort zone which gets you closer to your purpose and power.

One more thing about pricing - be confident and clear about your pricing. It's a true kindness to your customers. Clarity is kindness.

Success is an accumulation of small steps!

Best, Janet

Ready for another step?
The 5 Biggest Pricing Mistakes That Women Make


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