Multipliers & Diminishers

“We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs.”

- Gloria Steinem

At the beginning of each week, I challenge the Money Mavens with a question which we then discuss in the Coaching Calls.

Last week’s question was about Diminishers versus Multipliers. It stems from my concept of “Are you an Owner or a Renter of Your Life?” Considering whether you are a Diminisher or Multiplier goes deeper and closer to your relationship with money.

Here are the questions I posed:

  • Are you a Money Multiplier or a Money Diminisher?

  • Do you see Money as a tool that you can use to increase your assets and wealth (incoming)?

  • OR… Do you see money as something you simply use to pay for things (outgoing)?

  • Where is the majority of your focus - incoming or outgoing? (Are you always thinking about paying bills or are you thinking more so of your assets and how you can grow them?)

  • What’s one thing you can do daily to shift your focus?

We all know what Buddha said:

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

Or to put it another way…

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands,
and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”

– Robin Sharma

Where does 50% of your focus lie around money - Incoming or Outgoing? Multiplier or Diminisher?

Is it time to refocus? Let me know by responding to this email.

(Funny story - That picture at the top… I picked it cause one of the Money Mavens experienced being in a waterfall of money when she did the first Money Visualization Exercise in the course. It was refreshingly pivotal for her! That’s for you Julie!)

Live Your Light!


PS: Here are a few tools to help you understand why you do what you do around money and begin making shifts to become a Multiplier and the Owner of your life!

- The Money Personality Quiz (FREE) will reveal your self-sabotage habits, money blocks, and your money strengths - Yeah!! 8-10 minutes tops and fun!!

- Join Us… the Money Mavens! In the Master Your Money Course and Community.

“There’s a reason the rear view window is so much smaller than the windshield.
Focus forward - the view is always better and clearer.”

- Janet Hutchens


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